Brock Janiczak <> wrote on 11/14/2004 05:40:04
> I have been working on a way of allowing plugins to contribute to the
> list of available SVN properties. You can find it all under the
> package. Extension point
> schemas are under core/schema. Revision r1056.
> The list of properties could be used to present the user with valid
> properties in the set property dialog. It should also be easy to extend
> the code to support user defined properties. There is currently no UI
> integration for this code.
> The basic process:
> 1. A plugin defines a property group through the svnPropertyGroups.
> Core contributes a group called "SVN".
> 2. Either the same or another plugin then uses the svnPropertyTypes
> extension to register new properties under a group. The core plugin
> registers all the properties listed in the SVN manual.
> To get a list of plugin groups call
> SVNPropertyManager.getInstance().getGroups().
> I would appreciate feedback on the idea/implementation. (there is still
> heaps to do on it)
That sounds like the right way to accomplish this, if it is a goal. My
only question would be that this only makes sense to do if we know there
are some other plugins out there that want to consume this extension
point. Otherwise, it is a lot of work for something that could just be
hard-coded. So, do we know that?
PS - Your extension point Schema currently shows an error in the Problems
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