Hello Johan.
> > [1] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/INSTALL
> >
> > [2]
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r59a30aabaab7bf69effa909b331eaa177418325280ea25859e8fa294%40%3Cdev.subversion.apache.org%3E
> There was another tangent from that last mail-thread, that for some
> reason isn't shown together with the original thread (neither in my
> gmail client nor in lists.aparche.org when you open the threaded view
> of that post). Referencing it here for completeness:
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r9792f252fb45ec94eb188689ea76d3594224c228a595aae4ddb592a7%40%3Cdev.subversion.apache.org%3E
> I'm afraid I have lost momentum a bit, so these bits and pieces are
> the most recent information about the Windows build (mainly of the
> dependencies) we have right now AFAIK. I think a first step might be
> to go through these notes again, test them on a new setup, and
> consolidate them in our documentation (and from there maybe work on an
> updated script that can do part of the work for you, like [3] used to
> do at some point).
That's exactly where I am. Starting from a clean Windows box, I can go
through all this and get a list of manual instructions, document those, and
that becomes the template to automate. Justcurious, for windows
development, is it Visual Studio, or ported Gnu compliers etc?
> BTW: since that thread I've started another build of the dependencies,
> for 64-bit building on Windows (starting with httpd etc). I have some
> scrappy notes, but the gist is that I started with a CMake build for
> httpd (after googling a bit), which went very well, but then ran
> aground because the SVN build expects some apr and apr-util artifacts
> in other places ... so I had to repeat the apr and apr-util builds
> with the VS "sln" or "vcxproj" files (after jumping through some
> hoops) to get the needed artifacts for the SVN build. This was quite
> tragic because the cmake build of httpd was so easy. It might be
> worthwhile to investigate making the SVN build on Windows more
> flexible so that it can link with a cmake-only-built httpd (with apr
> and apr-util). Anyway, I don't have time right now to dig into it
> myself, so I'm just throwing it out here as a suggestion.
> All help is very welcome :-). Be it with the Windows build, building
> on Synology, or something else.
> [3]
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/tools/dev/build-svn-deps-win.pl
Thanks so much. Work is insanely busy for Covid, but I foresee some time
coming. RIght now, I'm cycle-stealing time... trying to read all this.
> --
> Johan
Received on 2020-08-24 21:54:30 CEST