Hello Translators!
You are receiving this mail because you are listed as a translator in
the Subversion COMMITTERS file[1]. I'm writing on behalf of the
Subversion developers to let you know that we're getting close to
wrapping up development for Subversion 1.11, and we would like to
encourage you to update the translation of Subversion you have
volunteered to maintain.
*** NOTE: some long texts have now been split into paragraphs ***
The "merge" and "log" help texts have been split, so far. See the thread
"[PATCH] Split long strings into paragraphs to ease translation" on
dev@ 2018-03-06, archived at [3,4]. Please do reply if you have any
feedback or want help with this change. (Is it better? Should we
continue in this way and split all the other long strings?)
The current translation status on trunk is [2]:
Translation status report for trunk_at_r1840663
lang trans untrans fuzzy obs
de 3093 592 349 570 +++++++++++++++++++++++UUUU~~~oooo
es 2420 1265 1036 531 +++++++++++++++UUUUUUUU~~~~~~~ooo
fr 2735 950 766 138 ++++++++++++++++++UUUUUU~~~~~~
it 2277 1408 1100 354 ++++++++++++++UUUUUUUUU~~~~~~~oo
ja 2436 1249 1106 770 +++++++++++++++UUUUUUUU~~~~~~~oooo
ko 2567 1118 881 241 ++++++++++++++++UUUUUUUU~~~~~~o
nb 2472 1213 993 506 +++++++++++++++UUUUUUUU~~~~~~~ooo
pl 2507 1178 976 322 ++++++++++++++++UUUUUUU~~~~~~~oo
pt_BR 2248 1437 1153 330 +++++++++++++UUUUUUUUU~~~~~~~~oo
sv 3675 10 48 13 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~
zh_CN 2855 830 676 72 +++++++++++++++++++UUUUUU~~~~~
zh_TW 2189 1496 1185 383 +++++++++++++UUUUUUUUU~~~~~~~~oo
As you can see, some translations are more complete than others, but
all need some work to prepare for the release. If you have no
intention of continuing to maintain the translation of Subversion,
we're sorry to see you go, but respect your decision. Please let us
know so we may recruit other volunteers to continue the maintenance of
your translation.
- Julian
[1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/COMMITTERS
[2] Produced by ./tools/po/l10n-report.py
[3] https://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2018-03/0059.shtml
[4] http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/subversion-dev/201803.mbox/%3C727f141d-e093-feca-8f40-291284299a97%40apache.org%3E
Received on 2018-09-12 14:12:39 CEST