Subversion Design Contribution Question
From: Daniel J. Lacks, PhD <>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2017 16:27:23 -0400
I recently signed up to the Apache Wiki for Subversion as DanielLacks, though I have been using SVN for years. I am interested in the design topic for SavePoints. I was wondering if anyone considered server-side stashes instead of client-side? The stash would work similar to a commit except it would check-in code perhaps in a hidden or protected branch within the svn:stash workspace. This would allow developers to not only swap workspaces, but to swap them across multiple physical machines or VMs. It is also possible to share those changes with others as well, for example the basic commands to show SavePoints may only show your save points, but perhaps there can be an optional argument to show anyone’s SavePoints either on your branch or any branch. I imagine that swapping to a SavePoint would first work like a switch command to get you to the same point you were (optionally), then a pseudo-merge command to grab the changes and copy them into your local directory. It seems like such a capability may be b Do you think someone is interested in the discussion? How would one go about having that discussion?
Daniel J. Lacks, PhD
Sent from my iPhone 7S
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