Mark Eichin wrote on Thu, Jul 03, 2014 at 14:59:30 -0400:
> 1.6 on ubuntu precise gets this right, 1.8 on trusty gets it wrong, the
> following repro script is from trusty:
> $ mkdir svnrmbug
> $ cd svnrmbug
> /home/eichin/tmp/svnrmbug
> $ svnadmin create repo
> $ U=file://$(pwd)/repo
> $ svn mkdir --parents -m 'base' $U/{trunk,branches,tags,branches/me,tags/me}
> Committed revision 1.
> $ svn cp -m 'branch' $U/trunk $U/branches/me/bugbranch
> Committed revision 2.
> $ EDITOR=false VISUAL=false svn rm $U/branches/me/bugbranch
> svn: E200012: system('false svn-commit.tmp') returned 256
> svn: E200012: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
> svn: E200012: 'svn-commit.tmp'
> $ cat svn-commit.tmp
> --This line, and those below, will be ignored--
> D file:///home/eichin/tmp/svnrmbug/repo/bugbranch
Allow me to clarify: it says
D file:///home/eichin/tmp/svnrmbug/repo/bugbranch
but it should have said
D file:///home/eichin/tmp/svnrmbug/repo/branches/me/bugbranch
> Note specifically the URI to be deleted. (Ironically, I think it really
> *does* get ignored, a coworker pointed it out just recently and noone else
> had seen it before...)
Yes, it does get ignored, just like it says.
> In a few experiments, it looks like the deletion line is consistently
> (svnroot)/(basename branchpath) and that it doesn't happen with svn mkdir.
> Some quality time with trunk/CHANGES turned up only issue #1199 as being
> even vaguely related (which mostly confirmed that it wasn't an intentional
> change...)
> --
> _Mark_ <> <>
Received on 2014-07-04 00:25:26 CEST