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Re: follow symlinks

From: Johan Corveleyn <jcorvel_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 21:06:20 +0100

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 8:32 PM, Dirk <noisyb_at_pwnoogle.com> wrote:
> On 11/07/13 01:47, Ben Reser wrote:
>> First of all this really belongs on the users@ list and not dev@. But it's
>> here now so let's look at what your issues are...
> It would belong to users@ is there was already an --enable-follow-symlinks
> option. But there isn't one.
> So it belongs to dev@.

Nope, it doesn't. Discussions about behavior, and how things currently
work and what you'd like etc, belong on users@. There is a much bigger
audience there that can share experiences (and workarounds, and join
with interesting viewpoints, ...), and that can also learn about what
other users want.

> But I have waited for someone like you. Funny thing i find /you/ in dev@.
> But every single mailing list has someone like you. Let us watch you go,
> shall we? :D
> What you do: You ask me /several/ times what I wan't to do. You even claim
> that I failed to explain my problem.
> (Surely that doesn't stop you from hi-jacking this thread with a self-loving
> and off-topic rant about you using the commandline).
> Answer:
> Look at the subject of this thread. It says "follow symlinks", also, I wrote
> multiple times that i want to follow symbolic links. With subversion. I want
> to follow symbolic links with subversion. I want subversion to follow
> symbolic links. I don't want it to behave differently so you can't use it to
> backup your home directory anymore. No. I am just asking for a (optional)
> option at compile (or run-) time. So that subversion offers a /choice/ to
> me. So I can follow symbolic links with it. Follow symbolic links. Follow
> symlinks. Symlinks. Follow them. Please. Thank you.
> Good enough for you? Do you understand what I am talking about /now/? Or
> were you just trying to chill this thread with a pointless response?
> Now, instead of reading my posts, you might want to ask what I want to
> achieve with that.
> The answer is the same: I wan't to follow symbolic links so I have
> /meaningful/ files in my repository. Subversion allowes crazy people to
> store special files in a repository but it offers no option to follow
> symbolic links. It even defends mount --bind.
> The biggest part of your answer is completely off-topic. You demonstrate the
> /is/ situation, or whatever, which is completely
> pointless since subversion doesn't follow symbolic links.
>> I'm not sure there are any commands that need --enable-follow-symlinks.
> Well why do you bother to answer/write at all? You successfully wasted my
> time.

This post / thread is ... amazing. I've never seen someone go so
ballistic / destructive against such friendly and patient people who
desperately tried to get the discussion into some constructive flow
(deepest respect to you guys). I now feel sorry for them that they
clearly wasted *their* time on you, while you only really wanted to

Feel free to move on and use another tool (your choice). Don't blame
the people who built something (often as volunteers) that it doesn't
do the single thing you want.

Apart from that, I seriously suggest that you find another line of
work, because this clearly doesn't become you well at this time. Or
perhaps find a shrink to vent your frustration.

Received on 2013-11-07 21:07:13 CET

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