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Re: follow symlinks

From: Dirk <noisyb_at_pwnoogle.com>
Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 20:32:56 +0100

On 11/07/13 01:47, Ben Reser wrote:
> First of all this really belongs on the users@ list and not dev@.
But it's
> here now so let's look at what your issues are...

It would belong to users@ is there was already an
--enable-follow-symlinks option. But there isn't one.
So it belongs to dev@.

But I have waited for someone like you. Funny thing i find /you/ in
dev@. But every single mailing list has someone like you. Let us watch
you go, shall we? :D

What you do: You ask me /several/ times what I wan't to do. You even
claim that I failed to explain my problem.
(Surely that doesn't stop you from hi-jacking this thread with a
self-loving and off-topic rant about you using the commandline).

Look at the subject of this thread. It says "follow symlinks", also, I
wrote multiple times that i want to follow symbolic links. With
subversion. I want to follow symbolic links with subversion. I want
subversion to follow symbolic links. I don't want it to behave
differently so you can't use it to backup your home directory anymore.
No. I am just asking for a (optional) option at compile (or run-) time.
So that subversion offers a /choice/ to me. So I can follow symbolic
links with it. Follow symbolic links. Follow symlinks. Symlinks. Follow
them. Please. Thank you.

Good enough for you? Do you understand what I am talking about /now/? Or
were you just trying to chill this thread with a pointless response?

Now, instead of reading my posts, you might want to ask what I want to
achieve with that.

The answer is the same: I wan't to follow symbolic links so I have
/meaningful/ files in my repository. Subversion allowes crazy people to
store special files in a repository but it offers no option to follow
symbolic links. It even defends mount --bind.

The biggest part of your answer is completely off-topic. You demonstrate
the /is/ situation, or whatever, which is completely
pointless since subversion doesn't follow symbolic links.

> I'm not sure there are any commands that need --enable-follow-symlinks.

Well why do you bother to answer/write at all? You successfully wasted
my time.

Received on 2013-11-07 20:34:47 CET

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