On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:00 AM, C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato_at_collab.net> wrote:
> This community posted 1.8.0-rc2 on Tuesday, May 14, with verification and
> public release completing on Thursday, May 16. While it's not precisely
> spelled out in the Community Guide which of those two dates starts the soak
> period, I'm going to assume it's the latter. The point of the soak period
> is to expose the code to the public for a period of time and arguably the
> code isn't fully exposed until the release is verified and announced. But
> I'm happy to entertain alternative viewpoints here.
Right I was fudging on the 4 weeks a bit to try and make the release
happen during the hackathon (obviously if there were significant
issues that would delay the release and prevent that entirely). If
there are objections to that I'm happy to delay it into the following
week. However, I'm also going to be on vacation the reset of June
after the hackathon. So someone else may need to finish up the
> I am unaware of any soak-restart-worthy changes made to the branch since
> that time. As such, it would seem that if we were trying to minimize the
> release schedule, we would need to release 1.8.0-rc3 -- final in all but
> name -- on Thursday, June 6. The final release then falls a week later on
> Thursday, June 13.
Release date was set for Friday, June 14th. However, we would need to
have everything ready to go and staged on the 13th due to the 24 hour
delay for mirroring.
> I anticipate the signing/release of the final tarball to go extremely
> quickly, especially for those who sign the rc3 tarball. (Yup, checksums
> match, diffs vs. rc3 are as expected and don't effect codepaths ... ship it!)
> That's sorta the minimum-time scenario, of course. Keeping in mind that
> we'll have devs in transit between ${HOME} and Berlin at a pretty critical
> time during this soak period, what, if any, plans do we *actually* have
> regarding the timeline of this release?
I'll be flying to England on the 4th, so I should be able to roll the
tarballs sometime late in the week proceeding the hackathon. That
would provide us most of the hackathon for devs to find the time to
test/sign off.
If we don't feel that's possible like I said I'm happy to shift things back.
Received on 2013-05-30 18:25:32 CEST