On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 12:56 AM, Greg Stein <gstein_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm. Why would the media-type vary based on ${project} ?
> It seems like all you would need is application/vnd.apache.pubsub.json
> Is there a reason for something more than that?
The vendor tree media-types are somewhat undefined as far as how
people use them. Originally we were thinking vnd.subversion but if
you look at the existing registrations you'll see the Vendor name is
registered first, so I thought it should be vnd.apache. We wanted to
avoid polluting a namespace that is ASF wide with things that are
specific to a project. So we came up with two formats, that I
mentioned in my first email.
The latter format would be used in the case of cross project
standards. E.G. say two projects collaborated on a format. However,
if a project independently made their own format they'd put it under
their project name to avoid a conflict. Your counter suggestion of
application/vnd.apache.pubsub.json is ambiguous as to what the pubsub
is used for, pubsub is a fairly generic concept so if several projects
wanted to come up with a generic pubsub format then that name would
already be used for our very specific version control format.
You could resolve that issue by using
application/vnd.apache.svnpubsub.json. However, while we consider the
Apache Subversion project as the vendor, I've done a fair amount of
work to generalize the format so that it can be used by the git folks
(there is a gitpubsub but I don't think they're using this format at
current, partly because their work predated the work I undertook to
generalize our format). So using svnpubsub signals that the format is
Subversion specific when it really isn't.
We used the +json rather than .json since that seems to be consistent
with what people have been doing with XML and JSON based formats.
If you want there was quite a bit of discussion between Daniel and
myself (with some input from Branko) on IRC last night leading up to
my email. You can see our full linke of thinking from that.
Received on 2013-05-28 19:14:32 CEST