r1477876, which I proposed for back-port to 1.8.x, fills in the 'node kind' field correctly for a prop conflict. The code in 'svn' shown below now leads to a crash because the 'file/edit/edit' case matches a prop conflict and calls the text conflict handler function, which asserts that the conflict kind is 'text'.
Stefan Sperling, can you confirm the intention there was to match only a text conflict? (I think this is your code.) This looks like a simple enough fix (shown below), except I'm dealing with a knock-on effect already so I thought
it's time I posted here to get a second opinion. I'm a bit uncertain about the 'obstruction' handling below it. How do the obstruction cases relate to the conflict kinds 'text', 'prop', and 'tree'?
If there are any obstruction cases that are reported as conflict kind 'text', then this patch would probably break them. I don't know if there are.
/* Print a summary of conflicts before starting interactive resolution */
if (! b->printed_summary)
SVN_ERR(svn_cl__print_conflict_stats(b->conflict_stats, scratch_pool));
b->printed_summary = TRUE;
/* We're in interactive mode and either the user gave no --accept
option or the option did not apply; let's prompt. */
/* Handle the most common cases, which is either:
Conflicting edits on a file's text, or
Conflicting edits on a property.
- if (((desc->node_kind == svn_node_file)
+ if (((desc->kind == svn_wc_conflict_kind_text)
&& (desc->action == svn_wc_conflict_action_edit)
&& (desc->reason == svn_wc_conflict_reason_edited)))
SVN_ERR(handle_text_conflict(*result, desc, b, scratch_pool));
else if (desc->kind == svn_wc_conflict_kind_property)
SVN_ERR(handle_prop_conflict(*result, desc, b, scratch_pool));
Dealing with obstruction of additions can be tricky. The
obstructing item could be unversioned, versioned, or even
schedule-add. Here's a matrix of how the caller should behave,
based on results we return.
Unversioned Versioned Schedule-Add
choose_mine skip addition, skip addition skip addition
add existing item
choose_theirs destroy file, schedule-delete, revert add,
add new item. add new item. rm file,
add new item
postpone [ bail out ]
else if ((desc->action == svn_wc_conflict_action_add)
&& (desc->reason == svn_wc_conflict_reason_obstructed))
SVN_ERR(handle_obstructed_add(*result, desc, b, scratch_pool));
else if (desc->kind == svn_wc_conflict_kind_tree)
SVN_ERR(handle_tree_conflict(*result, desc, b, scratch_pool));
- Julian
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Received on 2013-05-01 21:33:51 CEST