On 4/1/13 10:25 AM, C. Michael Pilato wrote:
> On 03/31/2013 12:31 AM, Blair Zajac wrote:
>> Question on svn_repos_load_fs4() and svn_repos_get_fs_build_parser4() (maybe
>> other functions have a similar text):
>> * @note If @a start_rev and @a end_rev are valid revisions, this
>> * function presumes the revisions as numbered in @a dumpstream only
>> * increase from the beginning of the stream to the end. Gaps in the
>> * number sequence are ignored, but upon finding a revision number
>> * younger than the specified range, this function may stop loading
>> * new revisions regardless of their number.
>> What does 'may stop' mean? Does it flips a coin ;) Seriously, will it or
>> will it not stop, or under which conditions.
> It won't stop. I've removed this @note from both APIs in r1463213.
Great, thanks!
Received on 2013-04-01 23:37:23 CEST