On 17.03.2012 11:25, Stephen Butler wrote:
>>> Somewhat off-topic, but "svn update" has the serious problem that it's
>>> impossible to revert to the state before the update if one had local
>>> changes. Most of these "pick sane defaults" kinds of discussions would
>>> become moot if one could have some kind of client-side snapshot that let
>>> revert be something more than just an all-or-nothing proposition.
>> That's a great suggestion, I agree that would be a very good
>> improvement. It would allow to have more control, but only if you need
>> it (in case you noticed after the fact that something went wrong, and
>> you can back up step by step).
> There was talk about a "local commit" feature a while back. I bet most
> of the user who like that feature would actually be satisfied by an
> 'svn undo-update' command.
Are you assuming that "undo update" would be easier to do than "local
commit" (I prefer the term "savepoint", but teal.bikeshed.com)? :)
-- Brane
Received on 2012-03-17 13:43:30 CET