Please find attached a script to generate the Junit report based on
Subversion test results. The junit reports can be used to integrate the
Subversion build process with continuous integration tools like Hudson.
New script to generate the junit reports for Subversion test cases. The
junit reports can be used by continuous integration tools like Hudson
for building and testing Subversion.
* tools/dev/gen_junit_report.py
The junit reports are generated by parsing the tests log file,
tests.log. The test results, PASS, FAIL and SKIP are marked as
appropriate in the junit reports. The XFAIL tests are considered as
PASS. This script can take options: --log-file and --output-dir.
The value for --log-file option denotes the log file to parse for
generating the junit reports.
The value for --output-dir option denotes the directory to store the
junit reports. A separate file is created in this directory for each
test case.
Bhuvaneswaran A
CollabNet Software P Ltd. | www.collab.net
Received on 2009-10-22 17:23:22 CEST