I noticed today that when I ran 'make davcheck', merge_tests.py test 132
failed. Figuring it was a serf thang, I re-ran just that test over neon
(using "--http-library neon") -- it passed. Just to make sure, I ran it
with "--http-library serf" -- it ... was skipped?!
Anyway, I'm guessing that what happens is that the
svntest.main.is_ra_type_dav_serf flag (which this test is checking as a
condition for skipping) only gets set if the command-line arguments
specifically indicate that serf is being used, and that if no --http-library
option is provided, the test suite simply hasn't the ability to figure out
which WebDAV RA module is going to get used (since that all depends on
what's been compiled-in, etc.).
This may all be common knowledge for folks, but in the event that it isn't,
I thought I'd share.
C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato_at_collab.net>
CollabNet <> www.collab.net <> Distributed Development On Demand
$ ./merge_tests.py 132 --url http://localhost --cleanup --http-library neon
PASS: merge_tests.py 132: replace vs. edit tree-conflicts
$ ./merge_tests.py 132 --url http://localhost --cleanup --http-library serf
SKIP: merge_tests.py 132: replace vs. edit tree-conflicts
$ ./merge_tests.py 132 --url http://localhost --cleanup
EXPECTED STDOUT (unordered):
--- Merging differences between repository URLs into 'svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A':
C svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A/B/E
C svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A/mu
C svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A/D/G/pi
C svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A/D/H
Summary of conflicts:
Tree conflicts: 4
--- Merging differences between repository URLs into 'svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A':
C svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A/mu
C svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A/D/H
C svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A/D/G/pi
C svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A/B/E
C svn-test-work/working_copies/merge_tests-132/A/B/E
Summary of conflicts:
Tree conflicts: 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cmpilato/projects/subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/main.py", line 1166, in run
rc = self.pred.run(sandbox)
File "/home/cmpilato/projects/subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/testcase.py", line 217, in run
return self._delegate.run(sandbox)
File "/home/cmpilato/projects/subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/testcase.py", line 146, in run
return self.func(sandbox)
File "./merge_tests.py", line 16127, in merge_replace_causes_tree_conflict
url_A, url_branch, A)
File "/home/cmpilato/projects/subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/actions.py", line 241, in run_and_verify_svn2
verify.verify_outputs(message, out, err, expected_stdout, expected_stderr)
File "/home/cmpilato/projects/subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/verify.py", line 363, in verify_outputs
compare_and_display_lines(message, label, expected, actual, raisable)
File "/home/cmpilato/projects/subversion/trunk/subversion/tests/cmdline/svntest/verify.py", line 336, in compare_and_display_lines
raise raisable
FAIL: merge_tests.py 132: replace vs. edit tree-conflicts
Received on 2009-09-25 02:54:37 CEST