On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Julian Foad <julianfoad_at_btopenworld.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 09:28 -0500, Paul Burba wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 8:43 AM, C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato_at_collab.net> wrote:
>> >> A. Make "propget" print just the plain value with no header when there
>> >> is only one target, like it used to, but use the new indented format
>> >> when there are multiple targets. Remove the new use of "-v". (Leave
>> >> "proplist" as it
>> >
>> > Do you mean "multiple targets" or "multiple targets with the named
>> > property"? Actually, that's not even so very interesting. I guess I don't
>> > like the idea that somebody might type:
>> This is probably the same question as Mike's, but what would a
>> recursive propget yield? The same indented output as with multiple
>> targets right? I'd hate svn pg svn:mergeinfo -vR to return to the
>> mess it was.
> I mean whatever the plain (old-style and still default) "propget"
> currently does,
Ok, but that default style is really tough on the eyes when dealing
with subtrees and mergeinfo. Run 'svn pg svn:mergeinfo -R' on the
root of the 1.5.x branch to see what I mean. In contrast run 'svn pg
svn:mergeinfo -vR'. The latter is much more useful when you want to
quickly understand what subtrees have mergeinfo; it's not perfect, but
at least it doesn't induce a migraine :-)
Hmmm, this makes me think that a --quiet option to svn pg might be nice too:
C:\SVN\src-branch-1.5.x>svn pg svn:mergeinfo -Rvq
Property svn:mergeinfo set on '.': svn:mergeinfo
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'notes\tree-conflicts\scratch-pad.txt'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'www\images\subversion_logo_hor-468x64.png'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'subversion\bindings\swig'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'COMMITTERS'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'www\images\subversion_logo-384x332.png'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'subversion\libsvn_subr'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'subversion\libsvn_wc\adm_ops.c'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'CHANGES'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'subversion\tests\cmdline\svntest\actions.py'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'subversion\libsvn_client\merge.c'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'subversion\include\private'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'www\images\subversion-diagram.png'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'www\images\subversion_logo-200x173.png'
Property svn:mergeinfo set on 'aclocal.m4'
But I digress...
Received on 2009-01-20 16:03:18 CET