On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Trent Nelson
<svn-dev-list_at_trentnelson.com> wrote:
> mailer.py suffers a similar issue on Windows as svnperms.py, both
> due to its use of popen() to run '/usr/bin/diff', as well as the
> lack of said program on Windows.
> I used mailer.py as a reference when I started the svn2cq module,
> which will eventually sync svn changes into a relational database,
> although currently it's no more than a more object-oriented version
> of mailer.py, without, er, the ability to send e-mail. As it's for
> a client that's a Windows shop, I just packaged diff.exe and the
> dependent .dlls in the module directory and replaced mailer.py's
> popen with subprocess:
> http://code.google.com/p/svn2cq/source/browse/trunk/src/svn2cq/
> You know what would be nice? If the out-of-the-box Subversion 1.5
> installer on Windows shipped not only mailer.py, but diff.exe and
> the .dlls as well. Oh, and used subprocess, if available.
How about -instead of using diff.exe- using the built-in diff engine
(libsvn_diff)? It's available to use from the python bindings and - if
you think that won't do it for you - you could instead use 'svnlook
diff' which extracts the diffs right out of the repository, whenever
> The other thing that would be nice is if the pre-*|post-*.tmpl hooks
> were .bat file equivalents on Windows. I mean, it's not exactly an
> issue converting sh to batch file syntax, but, it's an extra step
> required by a Windows admin in order to get the same functionality
> available for free on Unix.
> In an effort to avoid open-ended rhetoric, I presume that, as with
> most open source projects, the Windows installer/build/distribution
> is less feature-filled from its Unix counterpart due to lack of Win-
> dows developers, but in general, patches that improve functionality
> on Windows are welcome?
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Received on 2008-09-08 21:07:18 CEST