Philipp Marek <> writes:
> If you want, I can commit that on trunk/, and try the points "c" and "d" also.
> I'm not so sure whether "svn merge" would write the required merge-properties
> in the right way (for reverse-merge "c" and forward-merge "d") - but I can
> try.
It's fine for you to commit it to trunk, after incorporating any
feedback (e.g., Bert's comments, my comments below).
> (Has someone manually put merge information for the branches in the
> repository, to allow automatic use of "svn merge"?)
I think so (er, not sure, ask in #svn-dev maybe?).
> --- subversion/include/svn_props.h (Revision 32940)
> +++ subversion/include/svn_props.h (Arbeitskopie)
> @@ -303,6 +303,47 @@ svn_boolean_t svn_prop_name_is_valid(con
> */
> +
> +/** Meta-data properties
> + *
> + * The following properties are used for storing meta-data about
> + * individual entries in the meta-data branches of subversion,
> + * see issue 1256,
> + * or browseable at
> + * .
> + * Furthermore \c svntar ( and \c FSVS
> + * ( use these, too.
For the issue, just give the URL or "issue #1256", no need to do both.
Is there any other header in SVN trunk that uses this "\c" syntax, or
the "\b" and "\ref" syntaxes that you use below? I assume they're
typesetting commands, but I think we should not introduce them if they
are not already being used in trunk.
> + * They are documented here to avoid name reuse in other branches;
> + * the "plain" subversion doesn't use them (yet?).
This part about how they're not used on trunk should be at the top of
the comment, and maybe with "***" around it or something to make it more
> + * @defgroup svn_prop_meta_data Meta-data properties
> + * @{ */
> +
> +/** The files' last modification time.
> + * This is stored as string in the form \c "2008-08-07T07:38:51.008782Z", to be
> + * converted by the functions \ref svn_time_to_cstring() and
> + * \ref svn_time_from_cstring(). */
> +#define SVN_PROP_TEXT_TIME SVN_PROP_PREFIX "text-time"
Would it be better to call this "SVN_PROP_TEXT_LAST_MODTIME", or
something involving the word "MOD", to make it clear exactly what it
means? (Same with the value.)
> +/** The files' owner.
> + * Stored as numeric ID, followed by whitespace, optionally followed by the
> + * string: \c "1000 pmarek". Parsers \b should accept any number of whitespace,
> + * and writers \b should put exactly a single space. */
I echo Bert's comments here :-).
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