I don't know this bit of the code that well, but I wonder if something like
the attached works better.
David Glasser wrote:
> In libsvn_client/merge.c(do_file_merge), which is code I don't know
> very well, I observe:
> if (i < remaining_ranges->nelts - 1 &&
> is_path_conflicted_by_merge(merge_b))
> {
> err = make_merge_conflict_error(target_wcpath, r, pool);
> break;
> }
> }
> /* Record updated WC mergeinfo to account for our new merges, minus
> any unresolved conflicts and skips. */
> if (record_mergeinfo && remaining_ranges->nelts)
> {
> apr_hash_t *merges;
> SVN_ERR(determine_merges_performed(&merges, target_wcpath,
> &range, svn_depth_infinity,
> adm_access, notify_b, merge_b,
> subpool));
> /* If merge target has indirect mergeinfo set it before
> recording the first merge range. */
> if (indirect)
> SVN_ERR(svn_client__record_wc_mergeinfo(target_wcpath,
> target_mergeinfo,
> adm_access, subpool));
> SVN_ERR(update_wc_mergeinfo(target_wcpath, entry, mergeinfo_path,
> merges, is_rollback, adm_access,
> ctx, subpool));
> }
> svn_pool_destroy(subpool);
> /* Sleep to ensure timestamp integrity. */
> svn_sleep_for_timestamps();
> return err;
> }
> Hmm, that "if (record_mergeinfo && " block seems suspect to me.
> Either (a) it should be skipped if 'err' is set or (b) it needs to
> catch errors in the three calls it makes and clear either err or the
> new error. I have no idea which one, though.
> --dave
C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato_at_collab.net>
CollabNet <> www.collab.net <> Distributed Development On Demand
Received on 2008-04-09 20:20:06 CEST