Demange_2, Philippe wrote:
> Hi,
> I got big troubles trying to import an external delivery with (this is in part related to bug 2655 reported by Marc Girod, but treats symb links specificly):
> In the first delivery, there is a lot of folders containing mostly the same code.
> In the following delivery, these folders become, greatfully, symbolic links targetting a common and unique folder.
> Then behaves like in the following example:
> I import a folder 'foo' containg a file 'bar', whose content is "zoo" into the repository.
> Then I decide to rename the file 'bar' to 'zoo', because it's more convenient.
> But I want to keep the file 'bar' available for, let's say, compilation compatibility, so I create a symb link:
> 'ln -s zoo foo/bar'
> And now I want to import these modifs on the repository with
> (I rename 'foo' into 'new_foo', otherwise complains)
> "
>> http://repos/svn/project/branches foo new_foo
> Checking that the base URL is a Subversion repository.
> Running /usr/bin/svn log -r HEAD --non-interactive http://repos/svn/ project /branches
> Finding the root URL of the Subversion repository.
> Running /usr/bin/svn log -r HEAD --non-interactive http://repos
> Running /usr/bin/svn log -r HEAD --non-interactive http://repos/svn
> Running /usr/bin/svn log -r HEAD --non-interactive http://repos/svn/project
> Determined that the svn root URL is http://repos/svn/ project.
> Native EOL on this system is \012.
> Finding if any directories need to be created in repository.
> Running /usr/bin/svn log -r HEAD --non-interactive http://repos/svn/ project /branches/foo
> No directories need to be created to prepare repository.
> Checking out http://repos/svn/project/branches/foo into /tmp/svn_load_dirs_Xo1GRkuY0f/my_import_wc
> Running /usr/bin/svn checkout --non-interactive http://repos/svn/ project /branches/foo my_import_wc
> Loading new_foo.
> /home/demange/tmp/ does not handle changing source and destination type for 'bar'.
> Cleaning up /tmp/svn_load_dirs_Xo1GRkuY0f
> "
> The attached patch aims to allow this kind of operation. Everytime that a source file and dest file match in their name but dismatch in their types, it checks if one them is a symbolic link. If so, it:
> - runs 'svn rm' on the dest file
> - commit the rm operation
> - copies and runs 'svn add' on the source file
> As Marc Girod mentionned here:
> , I also have difficulties to avoid a list of consecutive commit operations (which can be __very__ long).
> I would prefer to run the commit operation once, but I don't know the script well enough to do so.
Thanks for the patch. Could you please provide a log message for this
patch, using our log message guidelines
( A good log
message helps potential reviewers understand the changes in your patch,
and increases the likelihood that it will be applied.
Received on Tue Dec 11 00:14:20 2007