News of the future, right to your door!
We're planning a minor release, version 0.7.1, which will include
Subversion 1.5.0, because of some compatibility complications in the
1.5.0 plan. Of course, we can't do that until there actually *is* a
1.5.0. Check the mail lists, if you want the
latest news on when that will be, but anyway, it's "not yet."
But in the mean time, as many have noticed, there are some bugs in
version 0.7. One of them seems to cause quite a lot of confusion and
pain, the problem that the Checkout dialog doesn't always notice the
credentials you enter. I was going to fix that in 0.7.1, along with
whatever other fixes we could put together, and of course the new
Subversion ... but to judge from the traffic on the users@scplugin
mail list, this checkout problem is a real stinker, and it turns out
to be real easy to fix ... so, I fixed it!
I've put up a version "0.7.1b" on our download site:
The only functional difference between this one and 0.7 is the fix
for the checkout bug. i would really encourage all users to upgrade
to this version. It was *such* an easy change, what could I
*possibly* screw up, right? But I confess it hasn't had as much QA
as 0.7 did, and for that reason I've marked it BETA and leave you
with the choice.
Jack Repenning
Project Owner
"Subversion for the rest of OS X"
Received on Fri Oct 26 14:21:46 2007