Hyrum K. Wright wrote:
> C. Michael Pilato wrote:
>> Oracle has released version 4.6.19 of its Berkeley DB library. According to
>> my interpretation of the "Upgrading application to 4.6.x"[1] documentation,
>> I don't think there's anything especially difficult for us to do in
>> Subversion to make the claim that we support 4.6.x. Some macros for cursor
>> function name differences here, an examination of how we toggle verbose
>> error output there. (Most of the 4.6 changes seem to be focused around
>> replication, which is -- and has been -- the latest hot topic for BDB.)
>> Should we "go there" for Subversion 1.5?
>> [1]
>> http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation/berkeley-db/db/ref/upgrade.4.6/toc.html
> I don't know much about Berkeley DB, but I did download 4.6 and build
> Subversion trunk against it. FWIW, the tests all passed, and I couldn't
> notice any problems. If distributions will be shipping 4.6, it would
> make sense for us to attempt to support it also.
Yeah, they've only *deprecated* some interfaces that we use, so we
technically don't *need* to do anything there at all. The only open
question I have is about the change to error reporting being verbose by
default now. We may or may not care -- I don't recall how we interact with
BDB in this way.
C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato@collab.net>
CollabNet <> www.collab.net <> Distributed Development On Demand
Received on Thu Sep 13 20:49:33 2007