Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On 8/8/07, Hyrum K. Wright <hyrum_wright@mail.utexas.edu> wrote:
>> explicitly asking for it, but rather the set of checked_in_props. (This
>> set does *not* contain DAV:href, and I don't know why the initial call
>> to retrieve_props() succeeds.) When I use all_props instead of
>> checked_in_props, the DAV:href gets pulled from the cache correctly, and
>> we don't hit the abort().
> Instead of using all_props, I'd just add a new structure to ra_serf.h:
> static const svn_ra_serf__dav_props_t href_props[] =
> {
> { "DAV:", "href" },
> { NULL }
> };
> and use href_props rather than all_props.
I made this change, and it works. However, other calls to
svn_ra_serf__retrieve_props() are failing with a different message:
subversion/libsvn_ra_serf/util.c:329: (apr_err=20014)
svn: Error running context: Internal error
This looks like some kind of error internal to serf itself. In doing
more digging, it looks to be coming from context.c, around line 870.
Given that information, I think that this is a bug in serf, not in our
usage of it. My serf-fu isn't that great, though, so I'm not sure. I'm
going to commit my patch with Justin's recommended change above, but it
will generate quite a number of new failures. Anybody with a little bit
more knowledge care to debug this new problem?
(FWIW, log_tests 3 is a simple test which easily generates this error.)
Received on Fri Aug 10 23:25:58 2007