On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 01:39:01AM -0800, Karl Fogel wrote:
> dann frazier <dannf@hp.com> writes:
> > I requested and got approved for either GPL or Apache-BSD style. This
> > initial version is GPL because that's what I typically default to, but
> > if your preference is Apache/BSD-style, I can do that too.
> Oh, it's more project preference than my personal preference.
> Actually, for a script like this, the modern BSD license is probably
> best, since it's short, easily comprehended, and GPL-compatible.
Here's a new version w/ the BSD license:
Functional changes include:
* Re-enabled an optimization that avoids recursing down newly
added subtrees, since they are already added in a batch
(Thanks to John Wright)
* Add --no-prompt option for non-interactive execution
* Add --wc option to use an existing working directory and bpass
the checkout step
* Don't checkout/remove the working dir for each import directory,
re-use it
* Use a commit message that resembles svn_load_dirs instead of the
informationless "commit" text
* Sanitize user provided directories, fixing a couple parsing bugs
fyi, my current plan is to upload this to Debian as a separate package
(could be merged into subversion later). If there's enough time, I may
ask the release managers to accept it into the upcoming 'etch'
release. That does make me somewhat nervous since, afaik, I'm the only
one who has done much testing with it - any reports (success and
failure) are very much welcome.
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Received on Mon Feb 12 21:41:13 2007