On 7/15/06, David James <djames@collab.net> wrote:
> On 7/15/06, Max Bowsher <maxb1@ukf.net> wrote:
> > In r20677, I deleted a typemap that had been added to the Ruby bindings
> > since 1.3.x, which caused an undeniable compatibility break, by changing
> > the return type of svn_repos_get_committed_info().
> The Ruby bindings don't make any compatibility promises. According to
> subversion/bindings/swig/INSTALL,
> "The Ruby bindings API may change incompatibility as development proceeds."
I believe that dates from the time when the initial major work was
being done on the Ruby bindings, and at the time, it was quite clear
they they were undergoing major revisions, taking them from
essentially useless to a quite useful state, but sooner or later you
do have to say "ok, this is actually released, we need to support
compatibility". Are we at that point? I personally think we're
actually past it, but that's just my opinion...
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Received on Sun Jul 16 23:32:20 2006