Max Bowsher wrote:
> Mathias Weinert wrote:
> > Hi there
> >
> > In libsvn_subr/io.c there is macro called WIN32_RETRY_LOOP used to do
> > several retries of some file commands like rename. As the problem which
> > this macro shall solve - or at least soothe - also exists under cygwin
> It does?
> I realize this isn't something that is very easily reproducible, but
> could you give some suggestions how I might do that?
I have a script which does several actions to a test repository. It
looks like this:
cd to wc
for 50 times do
generate three new files by copying an existing one (just copy, not svn copy)
add these three files
change one file again by copying one file over an existing one
svn ci
svn up -r HEAD
svn up -r PREV
reset repository by changing the revision number in db/current
svn up
When I run this script I at least get two or three times a "permission
denied" error which occurs at various actions of my script.
> Because I've been using Subversion on Cygwin for years, and have never
> experienced any errors which would encourage me to switch on
> WIN32_RETRY_LOOP - have I just been absurdly lucky?
Maybe you are such a lucky guy - or you just have another virus
scanner (or configuration)...
FYI I have McAfee VirusScan installed (always the latest version).
> Also, __CYGWIN__ is the official preprocessor define to test for Cygwin.
Please notice that I often get an ERROR_INVALID_DATA error (see my last
post). So maybe the cause of this is not the virus scanner but something
totally different.
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Received on Fri May 5 08:38:36 2006