Why tags as branches?
From: John Calcote <jcalcote_at_novell.com>
Date: 2006-03-17 23:41:34 CET
Subversion designers,
I've been reading a LOT of material on subversion lately, and I've got to ask:
Why did you implement tags as branches?
Tags are conceptually just bookmarks in a version control system. It would have been trivial to implement tags as a hash table of revision number aliases, since that's what they really are. Then there would be no chance of inadvertently converting a branch to a tag.
The svn client might have had a new call:
svn tag https://some.domain/svn/project1[@rnn] TAG_NAME
Or even better:
svn propset https://some.domain/svn/project1 svn:tags TAG_NAME:rnn
To use a tag, you might then just do this:
svn update -rTAG_NAME
This syntax is similar to saying svn update -rPREV.
Aren't PREV, BASE, COMMITTED, and HEAD just pseudo-tags, anyway?
John Calcote
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