There is already a post in the user's list about this ( )
I'm in the same situation. A fresh install of Windows 2000 without
MSVStudio installed (my home computer, so I'm not actually going to
install it), installation goes by fine, no warning message ( as opposed
to what was described as should have happened in revision 6656 ), no
link to a download. Trying to run svn gives the warning message about
missing DLL. This apparently was fixed for a while- I don't see any
posts about it since the bug was originally closed. Seems to be back now.
A suggestion, though I have no idea if this is even an option- why not
build with MinGW? ( I havent actually tried to see if this is possible,
still getting my system set up and havent actually installed mingw yet :) )
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Received on Fri Mar 17 04:02:06 2006