On 2/24/06, Arlie Davis <adavis@stonestreetone.com> wrote:
> Ok, after a few initial comments, I've gotten no feedback on the Win32
> service support patch.
> What do I need to do to move this forward? I believe the code is ready, and
> is production-quality. I've never contributed to Subversion before, so I
> don't know the process. Can someone review this, etc.?
> There is only one thing that needs to be done before this patch is ready to
> be checked in. And that is, add svnserve_winservice.c to the build scripts.
> I did my best to figure out how makefiles, vcproj files, etc. get generated
> by gen-make.py, but it was beyond my mortal comprehension.
> I had to roll my own vcproj files to get anything to build, and this is
> actually a subject that I want to take up with this list -- the poor state
> of autoconfig support on Win32. It is inordinately difficult to build
> Subversion on Win32, and for no good reason. I don't say this to insult
> anyone -- I'll fix it, given half a chance -- but to point out how cruddy it
> is on Win32, and to ask if it's really *supposed* to be this cruddy.
> Thanks.
You don't have to do anything except re-run gen-make.py. It'll pick
up the new .c automatically.
Use something like this gen-make.py command to get project files:
python.exe .\gen-make.py -t vcproj --vsnet-version=2005
You don't need the --with options if you don't need/want them. See
http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/INSTALL for step by step
Most of the complexity stems from the fact that Subversion depends on
several external libraries of varying support for Win32. Some are
makefile, some are dsp project files, etc.
What specifically are you having trouble with? And, of course,
patches to improve and/or simplify the process would be welcome.
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Received on Fri Feb 24 19:00:02 2006