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Re: Release targets and timeline for 1.4?

From: Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman_at_red-bean.com>
Date: 2006-01-30 20:35:40 CET

Again, I find it bizarre that Justin and Karl are arguing about
whether 6-month or 4-month release cycles are better or worse. As I
said before, I think our only test should be, "is there enough new
stuff to justify a release *right now*?" That's not something we can
predict or plan.

The fact is, it took an insanely long time (3 months) for 1.3 to
stabilize and be released. By the time it was finally released, so
much stuff had happened on trunk that it we essentially already
crossed the threshold of justifying a new release. Is this typical?
No. Should it be ignored? Why would we do that?

If anything, what happened with 1.3 disproves Justin's theory about
our project "focusing on releasing" being mutually exclusive with
"focusing on developing". While many of us spent months on trying to
get 1.3-rc candidiates out, others were busy working on stuff to
justify 1.4. (Heck, that's how 1.1 came about as well. Most people
were focused on 1.0.x bugfix releases, but fsfs happened anyway.)

I don't think there's any question about whether we have enough
material to justify a 1.4 release right now. The only question is
whether the RM has time & energy to deal with a new release.

But please, let's stop talking about "proposals for 4 month cyles" or
"proposals for 6 months cycles". I think it's absurd to plan things
on a timeline like that. Either we've got enough new features at a
given moment, or we don't.

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Received on Mon Jan 30 20:36:09 2006

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