On 1/12/06, Branko Èibej <brane@xbc.nu> wrote:
> In the next several days, I'll make some final changes, then, if nobody
> objects, merge this branch to trunk and propose it for inclusion into
> svn-1.3.1. I submit that this is not a new feature, but is essentially a
> bugfix for all those wedged-repository bugs we've seen, and is therefore
> a valid candidate for a patch release. There are of course no API
> changes involved.
I spent a little while today looking over these changes, and while
they are incomplete, the parts that are done seem reasonable to me.
One problem I noticed was that the use of atomics as seen in APR 0.9.x
meant that it wouldn't build with APR 1.x. I added the necessary
#ifdefs, and now that's working fine. I also added the needed
autoconf glue to the APR build system to let it find BDB 4.4, and
backported it to APR-Util 0.9.x (for HTTPD 2.0.x) and APR-Util 1.2.x
(for HTTPD 2.2.x). I imagine we'll want to push for APR-Util releases
prior to releasing a version of Subversion that has this code...
The one thing that does worry me is the fact that we're talking about
backporting these changes to 1.3.x when so few people have done
anything with them. I don't object to merging back to a 1.3.x release
eventually, but the changes aren't even complete on the branch yet,
let along merged into the trunk and tested by a wide variety of
people, so let's not put the cart before the horse here.
Received on Fri Jan 13 00:38:42 2006