David Anderson wrote:
>On Tuesday 10 January 2006 15:01, Wim Bonjean wrote:
>>Have you found the time to build a windows SVN 1.3 installer? I am
>>implementing SVN in our organization and am waiting for the locking
>>feature in 1.3. This was the only feature that kept us using cvs up till
>>now :-)
>I don't know whether Branko is subscribed to the Users list, so I'll forward
>this to the dev list, just in case.
>The windows binary packages should be made available within the next few days.
>I know they're late compared with our usual "next-day money-back"
>super-efficiency, but this is a very busy time for all of the people who have
>the tools and knowledge to roll these packages. And, as we explicitely don't
>make promises about binary packages (see our downloads page for details),
>they may take somewhat of a back-bench position in such situations.
>But rest assured, all of you who have been mailing me asking about the win32
>binary packages, we haven't forgotten, and the cavalry is on the way. Or if
>it isn't, I'd very much like a telegram explaining how I could roll these
>binary packages with the freely available Visual Studio Lite system, so that
>I can take some of the pressure off the shoulders of developers who have
>other, more important stuff to do.
>Also, I'd just like to point out that the locking feature was introduced into
>Subversion in the 1.2.0 release, which has been available for several months
>now... The 1.3.0 release brings its own slew of changes, of course, but if
>you were looking for locking, you're already ready to go with the 1.2.0
>binaries. (Though if you hold on just a *little* longer, the 1.3.0 binaries
>should get here!)
Thanks, Dave, for explaining this so patiently...
I'll add to this my plea for people to please stoip sending me nails
about the binaries, and my pledge that they will be available this week.
(I'd have built them sooner, but I'lm 'netless outside working hours at
the moment, an no 'net == no svn binaries.)
-- Brane
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Received on Wed Jan 11 14:39:03 2006