On Wed, 4 Jan 2006, David Anderson wrote:
> So, can we have other opinions on these two proposed features?
Are there any other standards out there for implementing role-based
authorization in a tool that is not tool-specific? In the same way that
Unix user permissions are not tool-specific; perhaps a closer example is
that it's nice that we have LDAP for doing user and group authn.
Perhaps there are role-based authz extensions to LDAP? While something
SVN-specific would be simple, for most users it would mean yet another
place they need to worry about managing permissions and accounts in
addition to wherever they do the same for other systems they use.
CollabNet didn't see one 5 years ago and had to build an in-house one that
I'd love to open source but it's not as easy (yet) as just doing it.
Besides, I'd rather not release something like that if there's something
better already being worked on that is likely to set some sort of standard
in the same way LDAP did for authn. Someone mentioned WS-Security as
solving the problem some day, but that feels like overkill...
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Received on Fri Jan 6 03:21:39 2006