On 1/4/06, steveking <steveking@gmx.ch> wrote:
> In TSVN, you can use the "check for modifications" dialog, then sort by
> the 'locks' column to get all locks and owners in the whole working
> copy. Not sure if a separate 'locks report' would help that much.
Well, in some sense, that's still a "locks report", it's just part of
a larger report. Much like the way 'svn st -u' shows locks. I'm glad
TSVN has this.
> What many users often request on the TSVN list is an overlay for locked
> files, as well as a separate column for who locked the file. But that
> could only be done if that information is cached in the working copy
> itself (I can't keep a connection open to the repository from the
> explorer, that would make the whole system so slow it would be unusable).
> The problem I see with that approach is that this information would only
> be updated on e.g. commits/updates/st -u/...
Yeah, but then that sort of goes against our locking design. We want
users to be aware of "local" vs. "remote". Browsing the working copy
is different from browsing the repository... that's why TSVN has a
repository browser. In that same vein, if Explorer shows any locking
information at all, it should be showing *local lock tokens*, which is
a distinctly different thing than a remote repository lock. We want
users to understand the difference.
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Received on Wed Jan 4 18:50:01 2006