On 11/16/05, Greg Hudson <ghudson@mit.edu> wrote:
> While I'm all for having a simple API, I think that asking Garrett to
> undertake two research projects for the sake of a simpler API falls
> clearly on the "best is the enemy of the good" side of the line.
I'm sympathetic to this argument. Repository replication is an
important goal, and it sounds like the "simplification" would be a
substantial increase in the amount of work; I don't want to wear out
Garrett's inspiration.
What's more, I don't actually have in mind clear answers to the
mixed-version WC questions. I have the feeling that there should be a
"you're already doing something much harder, just express this as a
special case" kind of argument, but inklings are cheap, and I'm
unfamiliar with the struggles you folks all went through getting that
to work.
But fundamentally, the data in the repository is the only thing that's
real. If you have an API that can accurately and selectively describe
what's in the repository, then *by definition* you can do update and
other hairy things in terms of it. The algorithm can't possibly
matter, because it's driven by the same data in the end.
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Received on Wed Nov 16 23:59:25 2005