Daniel Rall wrote:
>On Wed, 19 Oct 2005, Marc Sherman wrote:
>>Daniel Rall wrote:
>>>Marc, what's the use case for pushing those APIs out to the language
>>>bindings? In the JavaHL case, we generally don't tend to offer quite that
>>>low-level an API.
>>Subclipse does a bunch of things with the admin dirs, such as hiding
>>them from display in the project browsers and not indexing code in the
>>textbase dirs within them. It currently does this with a hardcoded
>>constant string defined as ".svn", which I had to hack to "_svn" in a
>>local build similar to the change in the svn C code. I'd assumed that
>>Subclipse would want to call the subversion APIs to replace comparisons
>>with the constant, but if Mark's happy replicating the logic of those
>>APIs in Subclipse code instead, using the env var directly, then I guess
>>it's not needed.
>So exposing svn_wc_get_adm_dir() would be sufficient?
No, it wouldn't be sufficient. You nead at least svn_wc_is_adm_dir,
which is more relevant for hiding stuff.
-- Brane
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Received on Thu Oct 20 20:23:56 2005