kfogel@collab.net wrote:
>Ben Collins-Sussman <sussman@red-bean.com> writes:
>>On 10/11/05, Greg Stein <gstein@lyra.org> wrote:
>>>So Bryan might not agree with Larry. He might simply want to keep his
>>You're probably right, the employer probably got scared, and gave
>>Bryan a choice of either working on Mercuria or keeping his job. It's
>>probably not Bryan's fault here.
>>Still, it upsets me that Larry makes such war on the open source
>>world. It's amazing what damage the mere *threat* of a lawsuit can
>In this case the more immediate threat is probably the withdrawal of
>the commercial licenses. (Though without Larry McVoy or Bryan's
>employer speaking openly about what has been threatened and what
>hasn't, we can't know for sure.)
In the circumastances, I'd suggest it's time to announce that svn-2.0
will be the "Kill BitKeeper" release. It's becoming obvious that far
from helping the OS community, which McVoy's been bragging about, he's
actually actively working on killing off open source projects.
Lots of commercial software vendors are capable of cooperating with the
OS world. BitMover seems to be going down the SCO path.
-- Brane
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Received on Wed Oct 12 15:57:02 2005