Subversion 1.2.1 is ready and available from:
The MD5 checksums are:
0b546195ca794c327c6830f2e88661f7 subversion-1.2.1.tar.bz2
01c3742745d50d4395684a4fb2908c5f subversion-1.2.1.tar.gz
The SHA1 checksums are:
fbd3364dcbe576bfbb2e7c0baa241c032957ad45 subversion-1.2.1.tar.bz2
88d3dd6e8c191933c8966faa5c69dc4ee84411cf subversion-1.2.1.tar.gz
PGP Signatures are available at:
For this release, the following people have provided PGP signatures:
Ben Reser [1024D/641E358B] with fingerprint:
42F5 91FD E577 F545 FB40 8F6B 7241 856B 641E 358B
Ben Collins-Sussman [1024D/EC6B5156] with fingerprint:
9FBF BEB7 409D D55F 6946 5CC6 5348 1A68 EC6B 5156
Karl Franz Fogel [1024D/DB00A248] with fingerprint:
B77E 8FB2 112F 9637 2E3E 3F08 BC9D BB13 DB00 A248
Jani Averbach [1024D/16D8B41C] with fingerprint:
3A1F 5A74 ADF2 5B0C 62E2 1F6A D6C6 2497 16D8 B41C
Erik Huelsmann [1024D/96B3F539] with fingerprint:
261D D45F EBBA 0993 2693 3CCB 8B93 B412 96B3 F539
John Szakmeister [1024D/C0D70C12] with fingerprint:
58B2 77C0 D208 F7AC 460C 07C8 4548 B3A8 C0D7 0C12
Seth Arnold [1024D/D9B0A099] with fingerprint:
4415 BF52 4982 4B6C 213B FAD1 FBD9 EE33 D9B0 A099
This is a bug fix release in the 1.2.x line.
Binary distributions are usually available for various platforms
within a week. The Subversion project does not officially
endorse or maintain any of these binary distributions, so we
cannot control the exact timing of their release.
A full list of changes since 1.2.0 follows below.
Questions, comments, and bug reports to
-The Subversion Team
- Client:
* fixed: 'svn lock' on switched file locks wrong thing (issue #2307)
* fixed: 'svn (un)lock' errors on multiple targets (r14736, 14775)
* fixed: 'svn (un)lock' problems with URI-unsafe names (issue #2314)
* fixed: 'svn (un)lock' not caching authentication (r15088)
* fixed: 'svn unlock' loses executable bit (r14859, r14923, r14939)
* fixed: 'svn unlock URL' segfault (r14893)
* fixed: 'svn commit' failure on XML-unsafe locked paths (issue #2335)
* fixed: recursive directory copy bug (issue #2343)
* fixed: don't initialize RA library in 'svnversion' (r14755)
* fixed: svn-push segfault (r14732)
* various translation updates for localized client messages
- Server:
* fixed: 'svn log' performance regression, general (r14116, 14772, 14759)
* fixed: 'svn log -v' performance regression, FSFS-specific (r15016)
* fixed: mod_dav_svn bug sets content-type incorrectly (r15046)
* fixed: win32 innosetup's add/repair/remove features (r14830)
* fixed: OBOE with 'limit' parameter of svn_repos_get_logs3(). (r15119)
* redhat RPM fixes (r15050)
* perl bindings:
- accessors for svn_lock_t (r15082)
- call utf_initialize, adjust global pool usage (r15076, r15080,
r15081, r15117)
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Received on Wed Jul 6 01:45:39 2005