On 5/23/05, Branko Èibej <brane_at_xbc.nu> wrote:> David Weintraub wrote:> > Once again, I'd like to draw attention to my proposal from a year ago:> > http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2004-04/0973.shtml>
My only question would be one of protection. How would you preventanyone from changing a label if its just a property?
I like the proposal, and it would certainly make properties in generalmore useful since I would be allowed to actually search on them. I'veused Perforce, ClearCase, StarTeam, VSS, RCS, SCCS, and more versioncontrol systems than I care to remember. I like a lot of the basicconcepts of Subversion, and decided to try it out at my new positionsince I was allowed to choose the VCS we got to use.
I like the idea of versioning the entire archive vs. versioningindividual files. It makes changes atomic and builds in the concept ofchange sets. I like the fact that I can use a wide variety of openstandards for the server/client communication. I like the fact thathooks are run from the server and not the client. I like the fact Idon't have to give a damn about how someone sets up their client. Theycan use an Etch-a-Sketch for all I care. That makes my life muchsimpler.
However, it's still obvious that Subversion is fairly young and isstill trying to work out a few kinks. Labels are one item. Having away to find information without parsing through the log output isanother. Being able to do a "remove version" and "remove element" isanother (and I'm not even sure if this would even be possible inSubversion at all).
I'm also still working my way around Subversion. When I rename afile, is Subversion realy adding it and dropping it, or doesSubversion understand renaming? If it adds and drops the file, howdoes it track history? If it allows for true renaming, does it have aproblem with evil twins? How well does Subversion handle merging? Iseem to have problems merging when the directory itself changes.
I'm not specifying any particular method of implementation. And, maybeI don't really understand how easy it is to use labels. Maybe it'ssimply a problem of communication. Maybe working with the tagsdirectory as a release mechanism isn't as klunky as it sounds.
--David Weintraubqazwart@gmail.com
Received on Mon May 23 23:58:23 2005