"Ph. Marek" <philipp.marek@bmlv.gv.at> writes:
> But to be honest, I have a slight feeling of standing alone in a desert with
> the users wanting/needing these feature creeping up behind me (if you
> understand what I mean - see
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=subversion-dev&m=111454604801106&w=2 for
> John's rant :-)
> I see some need for this (just looking into my inbox), and I have the feeling
> that nobody's really interested.
> Of course, it wasn't done in concordance with the developers wishes - but
> getting no advice I did it the way I could.
I think your interpretation is correct: no developers (or anyway, no
committers) are interested. It's nothing personal, of course -- it's
just that the feature apparently isn't compelling to us. Some of us
may even have said this explicitly when you started, if I recall
correctly, while others have said the same by their silence.
So, you are basically alone in a desert. I believe that if some
committer wanted to take an interest in this work, they would have
done so by now.
The question for you, Philipp is: do you want to continue, knowing
this? It's totally your call. The changes you have made so far will
never be lost, since they're in the repository. But I don't see any
sign that they will be integrated into the mainline. (I'm happy to be
proven wrong, of course, just expressing my doubts of that happening.)
How you would like to deal with this situation is up to you.
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Received on Thu Apr 28 21:32:06 2005