On Wednesday 27 April 2005 18:43, Julian Foad wrote:
> Where are the log messages?
I knew that somebody would ask that :-)
- dir-auto-props won't be merged because we don't know how we should handle
svn:ignore (multiple pattern would require newlines), and
- escape-seq won't be merged because it still translates the complete file
(which is cleaner IMO, and I didn't find a nice way to only change the
- text-time and owner-group-mode still have their old log message; they got
just a small bugfix for deleted directories - see revs 14462 and 14463.
So, I can repost the patches with log messages, no problem.
But to be honest, I have a slight feeling of standing alone in a desert with
the users wanting/needing these feature creeping up behind me (if you
understand what I mean - see
http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=subversion-dev&m=111454604801106&w=2 for
John's rant :-)
I see some need for this (just looking into my inbox), and I have the feeling
that nobody's really interested.
Of course, it wasn't done in concordance with the developers wishes - but
getting no advice I did it the way I could.
Sorry for pestering.
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Received on Thu Apr 28 07:19:08 2005