Bob Aman wrote:
>On 4/15/05, Branko Čibej <> wrote:
>>>What would it take to hack SVN into supporting concepts like user
>>A design plus about 6 mohtns coding.
>That's a pleasant thought. Ok.
>>> Or is it in there somewhere and I'm just missing it? Better
>>>yet, what would it take to get SVN to authenticate users via a
>>>database instead of via a config file?
>>Not "SVN", "svnadmin".
>By "SVN" I was sort of abstractly referring to Subversion as a whole,
>not just the client.
Aargh, I should've said "svnserve", not "svnadmin", of course.
>Anyhow, I haven't looked at the code for how authentication works in
>Subversion at all, so I'm kinda wondering if there wouldn't be an
>"easy" way of basically handing off responsibility for authentication
>and access control to some arbitrary external system.
Subversion realies on the server for authentication; that can be Apache
httpd, or svnserve, or sshd (when tunneling).
>How does mod_authz_svn work?
Ah... mod_authz_svn is for authorisation, not authhentication.
-- Brane
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Received on Fri Apr 15 23:03:41 2005