On 4/15/05, Branko Èibej <brane@xbc.nu> wrote:> >What would it take to hack SVN into supporting concepts like user> >groups?> >> A design plus about 6 mohtns coding.
That's a pleasant thought. Ok. > > Or is it in there somewhere and I'm just missing it? Better> >yet, what would it take to get SVN to authenticate users via a> >database instead of via a config file?> >> Not "SVN", "svnadmin".
By "SVN" I was sort of abstractly referring to Subversion as a whole,not just the client.Anyhow, I haven't looked at the code for how authentication works inSubversion at all, so I'm kinda wondering if there wouldn't be an"easy" way of basically handing off responsibility for authenticationand access control to some arbitrary external system.
How does mod_authz_svn work?
> I believe we decided some time ago that, if you want that kind of> complexity, use Apache.
I'd be using Apache for this project anyways.
-- Bob Aman
Received on Fri Apr 15 21:31:13 2005