I visited your web site: subversion.tigris.org earlier today and I just wanted to congratulate you on a well presented and informative web site. It's not often that I come across a web site that offers a wealth of quality and hard to find information.
We have a Computer Training related website at www.sandline-learning.co.uk .I've collected quality links to other Computer Training resources on the Internet on our links page (www.sandline-learning.co.uk/resources.htm).
I'm looking to exchange links with Computer Software related sites like subversion.tigris.org.
As you probably know, reciprocal links are critical to rank well with search engines and that reciprocal links must be with relevant to the sites. I_m satisfied that sandline-learning.co.uk is relevant to your Computer Software related pages I'm seeking links for.
As I'm sure you are aware, there are many new and un-established sites requesting a link exchange these days. But, with virtually no traffic and poor search engine placement, there is very little incentive to partner with these sites. However, much like your website, www.sandline-learning.co.uk has been around for some time and enjoys high volume of traffic. I believe that because of this and due to the "Computer Software" theme of our two sites, we would compliment one another.
If you would like to exchange links with us simply reply with _yes_ in the subject field and I will add your site to our Quality Sites Resource Page.
If you got this message in error please forward this mail to the person responsible for updating your website.
If you'd like to decline this receptacle link arrangement, simply reply with _NO_ in the subject field and I will not approached again.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Linda Watson
Received on Fri Apr 15 01:33:47 2005