On Apr 13, 2005, at 6:52 PM, D.J. Heap wrote:
> Also, is running 'svn info FULL_URL' the only way to view repository
> lock information? 'svn info -r head filename' doesn't seem to show it
> and typing the full url can be extremely cumbersome...am I missing the
> short and easy way to do it?
Nope, you've got it right. 'svn info URL' shows information about a
lock in the repository. 'svn info wcpath' shows information about a
lock that *you* have in your working copy. There's nothing in-between.
Running 'svn info -rX wcpath' and 'svn info -rX URL' are equivalent:
they both give you information about a certain version of a file in the
repository. If the latest version of the file happens to be locked in
the repository, you'll see lock info as well. The '-rX' argument is
irrelevant in this case; a lock is a floating piece of metadata that
always applies to a path, regardless of revision. The '-rX' argument
*does* affect the other information printed, however, such as the last
author, last changed rev, etc.
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Received on Thu Apr 14 02:41:40 2005