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File stays gone even if it shouldn't!

From: SteveKing <steveking_at_gmx.ch>
Date: 2005-03-15 15:23:06 CET


Today I was messing around with 'svn up -rXXX' to bring a working copy
into a state where files have different revisions. By doing that I
discovered something which I would call a bug, but I'll leave that to
you guys:
When you update a file to a revision where it didn't exist yet, the file
is deleted. But then you can update the same file to another revision
where it still didn't exist (ok, that's not the bug part). But if you
then update the working copy, the file stays gone! And there's
absolutely _no_ indication that there's a file missing, neither 'svn st'
nor 'svnversion' show something unusual!

Here's the reproduction recipe (using the 1.1.3 windows client):

# svn co https://svn.collab.net/repos/tortoisesvn/trunk tsvntest
# cd tsvntest
# svn up -r2110 Release_procedure.txt
D Release_procedure.txt
Updated to revision 2110
# svn up -r2111 Release_procedure.txt
Revision 2111.
# svn up
Revision 2836.
# dir
  Volume in Laufwerk D: hat keine Bezeichnung.
  Volumeseriennummer: 2A29-6C84

  Verzeichnis von D:\Development\SVN\tsvntest

15.03.2005 15:11 <DIR> .
15.03.2005 15:11 <DIR> ..
15.03.2005 15:09 7'203 build.bat
15.03.2005 15:08 <DIR> contrib
15.03.2005 15:08 <DIR> doc
15.03.2005 15:08 <DIR> ext
15.03.2005 15:08 <DIR> Languages
15.03.2005 15:09 1'668 neonconfig.hw
15.03.2005 15:09 1'929 NightlyBuild.txt
15.03.2005 15:09 <DIR> src
15.03.2005 15:09 1'561 svn_private_config.h
15.03.2005 15:09 192 TortoiseSig.txt
15.03.2005 15:09 992 TortoiseVars.tmpl
15.03.2005 15:09 949 vcnet_sln.ezt
                7 Datei(en) 14'494 Bytes
                7 Verzeichnis(se), 18'403'598'336 Bytes frei

As you now can see, the file Release_procedure.txt is still gone! Even
though I have clearly run an 'svn up' on the working copy, the file
stays gone.

# svn up -rHEAD Release_procedure.txt
A Release_procedure.txt
Updated to revision 2836.

This will bring back the file. But why didn't 'svn up'?

# svn up -r2110 Release_procedure.txt
D Release_procedure.txt
Updated to revision 2110.
# svn up
A Release_procedure.txt
Updated to revision 2836.

This works. But with an additional 'svn up -rXXX' in between, it doesn't!


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Received on Tue Mar 15 15:24:15 2005

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