RE: CIA can't count
From: Dale Worley <>
Date: 2005-03-11 16:05:59 CET
This is related to an issue that I've been having some trouble with. I've
- Files and directories aren't distinguished. (This isn't too much of a
- File names are listed more or less relative to the argument to "svn ls"
"svn ls -R ." - lists files and directories relative to CWD.
"svn ls -R dir1" - lists files and directories relative to "dir1". That is,
"svn ls -R dir2/file2" - lists "dir2/file2".
None of these are unreasonable, especially compared to "svn ls -N", which
Though I hate to suggest it, this problem would be solved simply enough if
Thus, in a WC structure:
"svn ls -R ." would list: dir1, dir1/file1, dir1/file1a, dir2, dir2/file2,
"svn ls -R dir1" would list: dir1, dir1/file1
"svn ls -R dir1/file1" would: list dir1/file1
But, the same as now:
"svn ls -N ." would list: dir1, dir2, file3
"svn ls -N dir1" would list: file1, file1a
"svn ls -N dir1/file1" would list: file1
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