VK Sameer wrote:
>>>--- subversion/libsvn_wc/update_editor.c (revision 12257)
>>>+++ subversion/libsvn_wc/update_editor.c (working copy)
>>>@@ -1431,10 +1432,12 @@
>>> const svn_wc_entry_t *entry;
>>> svn_node_kind_t kind;
>>> svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access;
>>>+ apr_pool_t *subpool;
>>> /* the file_pool can stick around for a *long* time, so we want to use
>>> a subpool for any temporary allocations. */
>>>- apr_pool_t *subpool = svn_pool_create (pool);
>>>+ subpool = svn_pool_create (pool);
>>>+ SVN_ERR (svn_path_check_valid (path, subpool));
> Sorry, I meant to use pool instead. The thought was that this would
> avoid increasing memory usage just before erroring out. Updated in
> patch.
It is not appropriate to optimise for reduced memory usage in the error
condition, since
+ the error condition is the rare case;
+ it was only a small allocation, and one which would have been made in the
common case anyway;
+ the pool memory will get freed soon enough, regardless of which way you do it.
The existing comment explains why we want to use a sub-pool: you saved memory
in the error condition at the expense of potentially using extra memory in the
file's main pool for every successful open, and that pool may persist for a
long time. I say "potentially" because your current implementation of
svn_path_check_valid doesn't actually use pool unless it errors, but its
interface doesn't guarantee this and a subsequent version of it might well do so.
- Julian
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Received on Tue Dec 14 14:56:48 2004