Peter N. Lundblad wrote:
>On Mon, 25 Oct 2004, Eric Gillespie wrote:
>>Importing NetBSD src (822 MB, 89482 files, 10902 directories)
>>into an fsfs repository with svnserve 1.1.1, svnserve grows to
>>use 124 MB. The user who initially reported this to me saw it
>>bump into a 128 MB resource limit.
>>I tracked this down to r11556. Undo that from a 1.1.1 working
>>copy, and the memory usage decreases back to 1.1.0 levels which,
>>while bad[1], were at least acceptable.
>Thank you for tracking it that far. I'm pretty sure I found the reason for
>It apperas that apr_hash_set() allocates memory for each call that isn't a
>delete, even if there is an entry in the table already.
Then that's an APR bug. Sure, we should work around it in SVN, but it
needs fixing in APR, too.
-- Brane
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Received on Wed Oct 27 07:46:32 2004