Thanks, that's what i figured out.
I only have to pass one username and one password, that's why i try to
use the SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME and PASSWORD but those two must
be store in the auth_baton with the svn_auth_set_parameter.
I will watch for this function to work as it could be the simplest way
to get the authentication working.
It complain about a pointer in the last argument, do the last argument
(the value) could be something other than a string ?
On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 07:53, Ben Reser wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 07, 2004 at 04:38:29PM +0200, Alexis Boutillier wrote:
> > I'm trying to make a svn_client_ls on a URL.
> >
> > It works fine if another client (svn status -u) have stored username and
> > password in /.subversion directory but if i delete this directory, my
> > python prog can't authenticate with the apache serveur.
> >
> > I use LDAP password under apache.
> >
> > there is my python code :
> [snip]
> > The program end with a : libsvn._core.SubversionException: ("PROPFIND
> > request failed on '/svn-test-repos/testEnv/testDrivers/test1'", 170001)
> >
> > I try to use "svn_auth_set_parameter" with ctx.auth_baton but it require
> > a pointer as the last argument instead of a string.
> >
> > I try to use "svn_client_get_simple_prompt_provider" with a function but
> > it require a svn_auth_simple_prompt_func_t instead of a python function.
> >
> > I try to set util.SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME and
> > it doesn't change anythings.
> >
> > Could someone help me to fix this problem ?
> The Python bindings don't have authentication providers implemented. So
> unless you want to implment the thunking for them then you can't do
> anything about this. I did the ones for the Perl bindings and it's a
> big pain to get them to work. However, you can certainly look at how
> the Perl bindings did it to help in figuring it out.
Boutillier Alexis
Methodology engineer
Arteris SA
The Network-on-Chip Company TM
6 par Ariane Immeuble Mercure
78284 Guyancourt Cedex
Office: (+33) 1 61 37 38 71
Fac: (+33) 1 61 37 38 41
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Received on Sat Oct 9 20:32:19 2004