On Jul 21, 2004, at 7:24 AM, Max Bowsher wrote:
> My attempts to use public access OS X machines in my university
> computer
> rooms for svn testing have failed, because they don't have a C
> compiler :-(
That's crazy sad. Maybe they just never had it requested? Maybe worth
> Therefore, please could Christian, or someone else with access to OS
> X, try
> to build (and install) the python (and perl too if possible) bindings
> using
> subversion from the 1.1.x branch, but with r10371 merged from trunk.
> *Hopefully*, that will fix the bindings on OS X.
> Max.
I gave this a shot on my 10.3.4 system. I didn't encounter library
errors. You can look at the details of what I did below and see if my
build adequately tested your update. I obviously abbreviated a lot of
data and am not familiar with the 'make check' reporting system, so
you'll see I talk about what I saw, some of which may very well be
% svn co http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/branches/1.1.x svn-1.1
% svn merge -r10370:10371 http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk .
% ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-swig-bindings=all
configure: Enabled swig binding: perl
configure: Enabled swig binding: python
configure: Enabled swig binding: java
checking for swig... none
Neon, Apache 2, and BDB were not found found,
so the DAV access layer and BDB FS were not
% make
% make check
% make install
Ran a couple simple commands (using the newly installed svn client)
against the wc in which I built (status, log) and they worked okay.
The check had a bunch of failures:
Running all tests in basic_tests.py...FAILURE
Running all tests in commit_tests.py...FAILURE
Running all tests in update_tests.py...FAILURE
The tests.log didn't seem to give much data.
But then it looks like they were re-evaluated and skipped?
SKIP: basic_tests.py 1: basic checkout of a wc
SKIP: basic_tests.py 2: basic status command
SKIP: basic_tests.py 3: basic commit command
SKIP: basic_tests.py 4: basic update command
SKIP: basic_tests.py 5: basic mkdir URL
I've wondered this before and it is relevant to this case: given an
svn installation, how does one tell if the bindings were built and
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Received on Thu Jul 22 03:07:36 2004